Spring Speaker Series – New Brunswick’s Climate Change Action Plan – Continued Progress
Join us this month as we review the provincial government’s Climate Change Action Plan and the newly released Progress Report with Speakers Sasha Wood and Sara Smith McLean of the Climate Change Secretariat of New Brunswick.
The Climate Change Action Plan Transitioning to a Low-Carbon Economy, one of the most comprehensive plans in the country, was released in 2016 and includes 118 actions led by departments across government and is already showing results. The Plan calls for greater emphasis on renewable energy, a broad-based and coordinated approach to energy efficiency in homes and businesses as well as initiatives related to education, awareness, capacity-building, and adaptation planning. The presentation will include an overview of achievements since the release of the Plan and the province’s plans moving forward.
Sasha has been working as a Climate Change Strategist with the Government of New Brunswick’s Department of Environment and Local Government’s Climate Change Secretariat since the fall of 2018. Her role with the Secretariat includes managing communications, stakeholder engagement, and education. She has a background in Communications and Sociology and a passion for knowledge mobilization and facilitating complex conversations.
Sara has a Masters in Environmental Management from UNB and has been working at the Department of Environment and Local Government since 2006 but joined the Climate Change Secretariat in 2016. Her role with the Secretariat is leading the coordination of the provincial Climate Change Action Plan, liaising with GNB Department leads, and managing progress reporting.
Feel free to send questions in advance to info@sustainablesaintjohn.ca
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